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Active Super

Putting the soul back into Super through a focus on segmentation, personalisation and performance

With legislative changes on the horizon banning the process of “stapling” new employees to a preferred Super Fund, the Super industry is on the verge of a major shakeup.

Formerly Local Government Super, Active Super was born as a result of these changes and the resulting increase in competition in the market.

Deepend were the perfect digital product partner – a great mix of strategic delivery at speed, whilst paying the necessary attention to the underlying technical platform and security requirements we are held to as a Financial institution.

Forming part of a Super Agency Collective, Deepend were tasked with bringing the new brand to life online. Not only did this see us using the core brand assets developed by Principals, but also taking into consideration naming conventions and language used, in order to appeal to a far broader market.

Core to the solution was building out an increasingly sophisticated technical infrastructure, allowing for segmentation and personalisation strategies to drive the necessary acquisition and conversion goals over time.

The site incorporates a rich design system, developed by Principals, geared at attracting and repositioning Active Super to a broader audience.

A complimentary language system was also developed, to present Superannuation in a more human and colloquial manner, without dumbing down the subject matter.

Considerable effort went into consolidating the core content of the site from 500 pages to around 150, focussing on the key content areas of perceived value to the end user.

Deepend Active Super

The site is developed on the Kentico CMS platform, which has provided a perfect balance of sophisticated Marcom stack, whist still remaining highly intuitive and useable.

Deepend Active Super

The site has been constructed in a highly modular fashion, providing site Administrators with infinite flexibility in terms of page and template construction

Deepend Active Super

The technical architecture also had extensive consideration of stringent security requirements, so as to align with APRA regulations regarding data storage and display.

A key requirement of the site was the display of live fund performance data. This has been achieved by the integration of the Hi Charts platform.

The data strategy for the site has included extensive consideration of attribution modelling. This will allow for the implementation of increasingly segmented and personalised user journeys as the site evolves and drive increased performance.

Result Listing

Increased referral traffic

The initial launch of the site has been a great success, with considerable gains across both owned and earned media referrals.

Reduced page load time by 40%

The new site is performing considerably faster then the previous site

20% increase in usage among a key target audience

Usage statistics show the new brand positioning for the site has driven a significant rise in the key 25-34 year old age bracket.

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